
You can find here some representative scientific publications from the partner laboratories of the TULIP LabEx since its beginning in 2011.

Reminder for TULIP LabEx searchers - publications must contain the following words :

  • This work was supported by the French Laboratory of Excellence project "TULIP" (ANR-10-LABX-41; ANR-11-IDEX-0002-02)

Representative publications 2011 to 2018:

Bestion, E., Jacob, S., Zinger, L., Di Gesu, L., Richard, M., White, J., & Cote, J. (2017). Climate warming reduces gut microbiota diversity in a vertebrate ectotherm.  Nature Ecology & Evolution 1(6), 0161


Camborde L, Jauneau A, Brière C, Deslandes L, Dumas B, Gaulin E (2017) Detection of nucleic acid – protein interactions in plant leaves using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.  Nature Protocols 12 : 1933–1950

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Guidot A., Jiang W., Ferdy J.-B., Thébaud C., Barberis P., Gouzy J., Genin S. (2014) Multihost experimental evolution of the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum unveils genes involved in adaptation to plants.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 31:2913-2958

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Isbell F., Gonzalez A., Loreau M., Cowles J., Díaz S., Hector A., Mace G.M., Wardle D.A., O’Connor M.I., Duffy J.E., Turnbull L.A., Thompson P.L. & Larigauderie A. (2017) Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales.  Nature 546, 65


Jacob S., Legrand D., Chaine A.S., Bonte D., Schtickzelle N., Huet M., Clobert J. (2017) Gene flow favours local adaptation under habitat choice.  Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1: 1407–1410


Lauressergues D., Couzigou J-M, San Clemente H., Martinez Y., Dunand C., Bécard G. & Combier J.-P. (2015) Primary transcripts of microARNs encode regulatory peptides.  Nature 520, 90-93

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Le Roux C., Huet G., Jauneau A., Camborde L., Trémousaygue D., Kraut A., Zhou B., Levaillant M., Adachi H., Yoshioka H., Raffaele S., Berthomé R., Couté Y., Parker JE., Deslandes L. (2015) A receptor pair with an integrated decoy converts pathogen disabling of transcription factors to immunity.  Cell 161(5):1074-88

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Legrand D., Guillaume O., Baguette M., Cote J., Trochet A., Calvez O., Zajitschek S., Zajitschek F., Lecomte J., Bénard Q., Le Galliard J.F., Clobert J. (2012) The Metatron: An experimental system to study dispersal and metaecosystems for terrestrial organisms.  Nature Methods 9: 828-833

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Maillet F., Poinsot V., André O., Puech-Pagès V., Haouy A., Gueunier M., Cromer L., Giraudet D., Formey D., Niebel A., Andres Martinez E., Driguez H., Bécard G. & Dénarié J. (2011) Fungal lipochitooligosaccharide symbiotic signals in arbuscular mycorrhiza.  Nature 469: 58-63

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Pujol B., Blanchet S., Charmantier A., Danchin E., Facon B., Marrot P., Roux F., Scotti I., Téplitsky C., Thomson C.E. & Winney I. (2018) The missing response to selection in the wild.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 33: 337-346

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Rey O., Danchin E., Mirouze M., Loot C., and Blanchet S. (2016) Adaptation to global change: a transposable element-epigentics perspectives.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31, 514-526


Satge, C., Moreau, S., Sallet, E., Lefort, G., Auriac, M.-C., Rembliere, C., Cottret, L., Gallardo-Guerrero, K., Noirot, C., Jardinaud, M.-F., Gamas, P. (2016). Reprogramming of DNA methylation is critical for nodule development in Medicago truncatula.  Nature Plants 2, 16166

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Stein J., Yu Y., Copetti D., Zwickl D., Zhang L., Zhang C., Chougule K., Gao D., Iwata A., Goicoechea J.L., Wei S., Wang J., Liao Y., Wang M., Jacquemin J., Becker C., Kudrna D., Zhang J., Londono C., Song X., Lee S., Sanchez P., Zuccolo A., Ammiraju J., Talag J., Danowitz A., Rivera L., Gschwend A., Noutsos C., Wu C.-C., Kao S., Zeng J., Wei F., Zhao Q., Feng Q., El Baidouri M., Carpentier M.-C., Lasserre E., Cooke R., da Rosa Farias D., Carlos da Maia L., dos Santos R., Nyberg K., McNally K., Mauleon R., Alexandrov N., Schmutz J., Flowers D., Fan C., Weigel D., Jena K., Wicker T., Chen M., Han B., Henry R., Hsin Y., Kurata N., Costa de Oliveira A., Panaud O., Jackson S., Machado C., Sanderson M., Long M., Ware D. & Wing R. A. (2018) Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza.  Nature Genetics 50, 285–296

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See also

If you want to learn more about researchs conducted in TULIP units, you can read all our "Highlights" by following this link >>>

In this folder

Find here the main publications from Labex TULIP partner laboratories for the year 2022.
Here are the main publications from the labex TULIP partner laboratories for 2021.
Here are the main publications from labex TULIP's partner laboratories for the year 2020.
Find here the main publications from Labex TULIP's partner laboratories for 2019.
2018 Publications from partner-units of the TULIP project.
2017 Publications from partner-units of the TULIP project.
2016 Publications from partner-units of the TULIP project.
2015 Publications from research units partner of TULIP LabEx project.
2014 publications from partner research units of TULIP LabEx project.
Publications of 2013 from research units partner of TULIP LabEx project.
  • 1 (current)

Modification date: 07 June 2023 | Publication date: 25 November 2011 | By: TULIP Communication