2013 Publications

Publications of 2013 from research units partner of TULIP LabEx project.

Representative publications of 2013:

Baguette M, Blanchet S, Legrand D, Stevens VM, Turlure C. 2013. Individual dispersal, landscape connectivity and ecological networks.  Biological Reviews, 88: 310-326.

Christin P, Osborne C, Chatelet D, Columbus T, Besnard G, Hodkinson T, Vorontsova M, Edwards EJ. 2013. Anatomical enablers and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in grasses.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110: 1381-1386.

Danchin, é. 2013. Avatars of information: Towards an inclusive evolutionary synthesis.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28: 351-358.

Genre A, Chabaud M, Balzergue B, Puech-Pages V, Novero M, Rey T, Fournier J, Rochange S, Bécard G, Bonfante P, Barker D (2013). Short-chain chitin oligomers from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi trigger nuclear Ca2+ spiking in Medicago truncatula roots and their production is enhanced by strigolactone.  New Phytologist, 198: 190-202.

Guan SH, Gris C, Cruveiller S, Pouzet C, Tasse L, Leur A, Maillard A, Medigue C, Batut J, Masson-Boivin C, Capela C (2013). Experimental evolution of nodule intracellular infection in legume symbionts.  ISME Journal, 7: 1367-1377.

Lachaud C, Prigent E, Thuleau P, Grat S, Da Silva D, Brière C, Mazars C, Cotelle V (2013) 14-3-3-Regulated Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase CPK3 is required for sphingolipid-induced cell death in Arabidopsis.  Cell Death Differ 20: 209-217

Loreau M, Daufresne T, Gonzalez A, Gravel D, Guichard F, Leroux SJ, Loeuille N, Massol F, Mouquet N. 2013. Unifying sources and sinks in ecology and Earth sciences.  Biological Reviews, 88: 365–379.

Ranocha P, Dima O, Nagy R, Felten J, Corratge-Faillie C, Novak O, Morreel K, Lacombe B, Martinez Y, Pfrunder S, Jin X, Renou J-P, Thibaud J-B, Ljung K, Fischer U, Martinoia E, Boerjan W, Goffner D (2013). Arabidopsis wat1 is a vacuolar auxin transport facilitator required for auxin homoeostasis.  Nature Communications, 4: 2625.

ter Steege, H., Pitman, N., Sabatier, D., Baraloto, C., Salomão, R., Guevara, J. E. & Chave, J. 2013. Hyper-dominance in the Amazonian tree flora.  Science, 342, 1243092.

Tisserant E, Malbreil M, Kuo A, Kohler A, Symeonidi A, Balestrini R, Charron P, Duensing N, Frei Dit Frey N, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Gilbert LB, Handa Y, Herr JR, Hijri M, Koul R, Kawaguchi M, Krajinski F, Lammers PJ, Masclaux FG, Murat C, Morin E, Ndikumana S, Pagni M, Petitpierre D, Requena N, Rosikiewicz P, Riley R, Saito K, San Clemente H, Shapiro H, van Tuinen D, Bécard G, Bonfante P, Paszkowski U, Shachar-Hill YY, Tuskan GA, Young PW, Sanders IR, Henrissat B, Rensing SA, Grigoriev IV, Corradi N, Roux C, Martin F (2013). Genome of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus provides insight into the oldest plant symbiosis.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 : 20117-20122.

2013 publications list: