The LabEx

Towards a unified theory of biotic interactions: role of environmental perturbations

The TULIP LabEx project was selected during the first wave of the "French stimulus initiative", which rested on a demanding selection for projects directly funded by the ANR, the French National Research Agency. Winner in the category of "LABoratory of EXcellence" (or LabEx), it established high quality research and education in the field of ecology and plant biology in the French Occitanie region.

Culture hydroponique

This Labex promotes an interdisciplinary approach, combining biology and ecology, and focusing on the interactions between organisms within communities, in natural or human modified environments. The objectives of this project are the following:

  1. Strengthen research of excellence,
  2. Improve the attractiveness of its laboratories,
  3. Structure local research,
  4. Regroup its constituting laboratories to foster the emergence of new concepts and applications in environmental technologies.
  5. The final goal lies in gathering these projects and fostering the emergence of new concepts and applications in environmental technologies.

• See the research topics developed in the TULIP LabEx >>>

Gathering seven laboratories of excellence in Agrobiosciences and Environmental Sciences in Toulouse, Perpignan and Moulis, TULIP aggregates more than 600 peoples belonging to INRAE, CNRS, Paul Sabatier University, INP-ENSAT and Perpignan Via Domitia University, all statuses included.

• See the structures involved >>>

The TULIP LabEx was selected above all on the basis of the quality of its projects and the publications of its partner laboratories.

• See some of our major scientific publications >>>

The TULIP LabEx has also the vocation to create training programmes, either through a residential summer school or by creating an international Master's degree.

See our Training and higher education strategy >>>


Les laboratoires d'Excellence - Labex           

The "Laboratoires d'excellence" initiative is part of the Investissements d'Avenir program launched by the French government in 2010, with three objectives:

  • To encourage the emergence of laboratories of excellence in all regions and disciplines, including in the social sciences and humanities.
  • Encourage France's best laboratories to strengthen their scientific potential by recruiting researchers and investing in innovative equipment.
  • Encourage the emergence of ambitious scientific projects with international visibility, led by laboratories or groups of laboratories.

The LabEx TULIP was accredited in the 1st wave of calls for projects in 2011.

Initially supported by the University of Toulouse, management of the project has been delegated to INRAE (Occitanie-Toulouse center) since 2013.


The TULIP LabEx is one of 103 LabEx extended for a further 5 years in 2019.

The LabEx TULIP has been successively extended until December 25, 2025 with an increase in the overall budget, then until December 25, 2026 without additional funding, following a decision by the ANR and in agreement with its various supervisory bodies.