Hihglights 2024

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This publication, co-written by researchers from LGDP (Perpignan) and IPSiM (Montpellier), reviews the strategies implemented by plants to tolerate calcareous soils, as well as the impact of climate change on calcareous soil tolerance. This review, to be published in the December issue of TIPS, will be the cover story of this issue.

Two IHPE teams have published 2 complementary articles that have been accepted in Reviews in Aquaculture in early 2024. These are opinion reviews that propose to implement emerging concepts (of microbial education and trained immunity) in aquaculture to combat infectious diseases of shellfish.

LRSV researchers published in May in Nature Communication, a phylogenomics study that reveals the evolutionary origins of lichenization in chlorophyte algae.

With the retreat of the cryosphere (ice, snow, permafrost) towards the poles and peaks as a result of rising global temperatures, living things are expected to follow suit. However, a research group, including a team from CRBE, has just published a synthesis in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, showing that only 59% of documented species migrations are in the direction expected by rising temperatures, compared with 35% in the opposite direction. The same research group also published a roadmap in the journal Global Change Biology, which aims to use the functional characteristics of species to better understand these variations.

In an article published in The ISME Journal, LRSV researchers identify a new mechanism that stimulates the development of a protective bacterium around plant roots, paving the way for new crop protection strategies.

To avoid inbreeding, plants in the Oleaceae family use an unusual genetic system that defines two unique compatibility groups. Its genomic and molecular bases have just been identified by two CNRS teams (including CRBE) associated with the universities of Toulouse and Lille. Published jointly in the journal Current Biology on April 15, 2024, their studies pave the way for a better understanding of the evolution of plant reproductive strategies, and should enable better control of olive tree pollination.

An international collaboration, which includes Grégoire Freschet from SETE, published in PNAS, a synthesis of root lifespan and its environmental and plant-related drivers.

GBF team from LRSV published in april an article in PNAS about new resources and innovative tools for mining genome-related data are anticipated to foster advances in several areas of grapevine research.

Rsearchers from SETE and CRBE have published in Ecology and Evolution, a article highlighting why iteratively sampling phenotypic traits over time can help us understand the adaptiveness of plasticity relative to environmental change.

In an article recently published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research, author Rémy Merret of the LGDP laboratory at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia and the CNRS, and his colleagues, have succeeded in highlighting the importance of messenger RNA degradation in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and more specifically in the proper development of its organs.

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