TULIP Summer School 2024

29 June 2024

Centre de Germ-Louron, Pyrénées

The 12th edition of the international TULIP Summer School "Biological interactions from genes to ecosystems" will take place from June 29 to July 5, 2024, in the French Pyrenees. The Summer School is organized by LabEx TULIP.

Event entirely in English

Comprising plenary lectures and intensive team workshops, the Summer School program covers all aspects of interactions between organisms, from the molecular level to the eco-evolutionary scale of interactions within populations and communities.

The Summer School welcomes 25 candidates each year

Who can apply ?

The Summer School is open to :

  • PhD students (~15 slots)
  • Master students (~5)
  • Post-doctoral researchers (~5)
summer 2024 poster

Selected candidates will have the opportunity to :

  • Actively participate in the elaboration of a team research project proposal in these scientific fields.
  • Meet senior and junior researchers from research units in Toulouse, Moulis and Perpignan
  • Enjoy a pleasant environment in the Pyrenees


The program will be very similar to that of Summer School 2022 and 2023.
In short, the mornings will be devoted to 2 or 3 presentations, and the afternoons to a workshop on building a scientific project at the interface between the themes that bring us together.
A day will be set aside to enjoy the surrounding environment, take a break in this relatively dense week, and strengthen links between participants.

programme summer school 2024

You can consult the previous program as well as the summary of 2023 edition and 2022 edition to get an idea of this year's program : https://www.labex-tulip.fr/Actualites/Retour-sur-la-Summer-School-2022

Practical information

Unfortunately, this year's Summer School cannot be held at the Domaine de Ramonjuan as in previous years.
The event will be held at the Germ Louron Mountain Center, an equally appreciable working environment, with a team that has warmly accepted to welcome us and is very enthusiastic about the idea of hosting the Summer School.

  • The event is accessible to people with reduced mobility, within the limits of the venue's capacity.
  • Meals are prepared using mainly local produce
  • Vegetarian dishes are also available

Accommodation, meals and travel from Toulouse to the Pyrenees will be provided for all participants. No registration fee is required.

Application closed

Applications are now open ! You have until March 17 to apply.
update : 03/18/2024 application closed

Apply here : 
(gmail account required to send files)

Applications will be examined and ranked by various TULIP members, on the basis of the information provided and the consistency between your research topic and the Summer School themes.

Update : Due to the large number of applications received, we are postponing the results until April 19, so that each application will have several evaluators.
Selected candidates have been notified.

We look forward to welcoming you to Summer School !

Contact: antoine.chehere@inrae.fr ; tulip-adm@inrae.fr