A look back at Summer School 2023

11 September 2023

Domaine de Ramonjuan - Pyrénées

The 11th edition of the TULIP Summer School took place from July 1 to 7, 2023. A look back at the event in pictures

The TULIP Summer School once again welcomed 24 participants to the Pyrenees;
4 postdocs, 17 PhDs & 3 Masters students (and one bird)

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These participants came from international universities, institutes and laboratories, with 15 nationalities represented, and as much diversity in their research themes.
Ten LabEx PhD students were also able to take part in this year's event. This is an opportunity that LabEx wishes to maintain in order to reinforce its commitment to its young researchers. The LabEx wishes to reinforce its commitment to its young researchers. It is essential for them to be able to attend this formative event, while forging links with international contacts as well as within LabEx.

On the program

The distribution of the program was broadly similar to that of previous years, although with a greater focus on workshops and slightly less on lectures.
The mornings were devoted to lectures, both by international guests and by our TULIP members.
In the afternoons, the groups focused on their workshop and the problem it posed.

To allow them to take a short break in the middle of this intense week, a visit to the Pic du Midi de Bigorre was organized. After a slight wait due to weather uncertainty, we were finally able to access the outside of the Pic and begin the hike down. It was a great day of cohesion in the sunshine and mist, but also an opportunity to admire the landscape, flora and fauna.

Back at the Domaine de Ramonjuan, the last 2 days (and evenings) were devoted to finalizing and presenting the workshops.

List of completed projects :
  • Genetic basis of color and patterns in plants and animals - Differences and similarities in evolutionary mechanism (Aurore, Maryam, Miguel & Pascaline, supervised by Marzia and Nicolas) 
  • Biodiversity in plant-insect interactions: a solution for food security ? (Mery, Zélie, Carlos & Markus, supervised by Alexandra and Benjamin)
  • Effects of heat stress on sexual dimorphism in papaya (Laura, Erin, Emma, Irene, Abdul Saboor & Sweet potato, supervised by Marion and Grégoire)
  • Microbial Mitigation of Xylella Virulence in Citrus (MiMiXyCi) - from wild diversity to molecular mechanisms (Jing, Sadia, Gaia, AmirAli & Rodrigue, supervised by Nathalie and Philippe)
  • Does the root microbiome play a role in the drought tolerance of quinoa ? (Anne, Adrian, Lee, Ian & Vaishali, supervised by Donald and Matthieu)

Guest Speakers

This year we welcomed 4 guest researchers to enrich the program and diversify the themes addressed :

  • Thomas Rey, researcher at De Sangosse, associated with the LRSV, came to present his career and his position
don miles


Many thanks to the TULIP Summer School speakers and tutors:

Marzia Carrada (EDB), Alexandra Magro (EDB), Nathalie Parthuisot (EDB), Grégoire Freschet (SETE), Philippe Remigi (LIPME), Nicolas Langlade (LIPME), Marion Picard (IHPE).
Thanks to Donald Miles and Benjamin Blackman, who also volunteered to supervise the workshops and devoted a whole week of their Visiting Scientist TULIP stay to us.

To the team at the Domaine de Ramonjuan, which once again hosted the Summer School, who provided the perfect organization and working environment for students and organizers alike !
Present since the first edition, the team is an integral part of the event and contributes greatly to the satisfaction and annual success of this week.

Of course, a huge thank you to all the participants, who made up a very dynamic and committed group, with an always positive and pleasant atmosphere, both at work and at social times !

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Crédits photos : ©Matthieu Arlat, ©Jolanthe Verwaerde, ©Antoine Chéhère


Contact: antoine.chehere@inrae.fr