Comparative phylotranscriptomics reveals ancestral and derived root nodule symbiosis programmes

Researchers from LRSV and LIPME published an article in Nature Plants in June, revealing that the symbiotic response of plants was largely in place in the most recent common ancestor of the species forming the RNS, over 90 million years ago.

This article is a share of the INEE CNRS publication : Reconstruction d’un programme génétique d’une symbiose vieille de 90 millions d’années

Texts and illustrations © CNRS INSB, Anne-Claire Cazalé, Pierre-Marc Delaux

See also

Cyril Libourel, Jean Keller, Lukas Brichet, Anne-Claire Cazalé, Sébastien Carrère, Tatiana Vernié, Jean-Malo Couzigou, Caroline Callot, Isabelle Dufau, Stéphane Cauet, William Marande, Tabatha Bulach, Amandine Suin, Catherine Masson-Boivin, Philippe Remigi, Pierre-Marc Delaux & Delphine Capela.
Nature Plants, 15 june 2023. DOI:
Comparative phylotranscriptomics reveals ancestral and derived root nodule symbiosis programmes