Intergenerational immune protection in Pacific oysters

Members of TULIP from the IHPE (UMR CNRS / UPVD / Ifremer / UM 5244) demonstrated in an article published in Microbiome Journal in June 2022 that early life microbial exposure durably improves oyster survival when challenged with the pathogen causing Pacific oyster mortality syndrome (POMS), both in the exposed generation and in the subsequent one.

In this work, we demonstrate that early life microbial exposure durably improves oyster survival when challenged with the pathogen causing Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS), both in the exposed generation and in the subsequent one.

Combining microbiota, transcriptomic, genetic, and epigenetic analyses, we show that the microbial exposure induced changes in epigenetic marks and a reprogramming of immune gene expression leading to long-term and intergenerational immune protection against POMS.

See also

Manon Fallet, Caroline Montagnani, Bruno Petton, Luc Dantan, Julien de Lorgeril, Sébastien Comarmond, Cristian Chaparro, Eve Toulza, Simon Boitard, Jean-Michel Escoubas, Agnès Vergnes, Jacqueline Le Grand, Ingo Bulla, Yannick Gueguen, Jérémie Vidal-Dupiol, Christoph Grunau, Guillaume Mitta & Céline Cosseau 

Microbiome 10, 85 (2022)