On the importance of the greenfly eaten: the influence of species phenotype on trophic cascades

What if the trophic cascade mechanism was not just a matter of species? A team of researchers from EDB (UMR CNRS/UPS/IRD) has demonstrated the extent to which phenotype variations within species can influence the intensity of trophic cascades. How? By organizing a large banquet on broad beans, with special guests such as ladybug larvae and aphids adapted to alfalfa or clover.

On the occasion of the publication of the results in the journal Ecology Letters, the CNRS published in June 2020 a short article in its news entitled “Un puceron peut en cacher un autre” (“One greenfly may hide another”). Read the full article (French)

Publication Sentis et al. (2020) - Ecology letters - Intraspecific difference among herbivore lineages and their host‐plant specialization drive the strength of trophic cascades.
Sentis, A., Bertram, R., Dardenne, N., Simon, J. C., Magro, A., Pujol, B., ... &Hemptinne, J. L. (2020). Intraspecific difference among herbivore lineages and their host‐plant specialization drive the strength of trophic cascades. Ecology letters, 23(8), 1242-1251.