A start-up giving a boost to research within TULIP !

Taking the opportunity of the launch of MicroPEP Technologies start-up, interview with two of the three founders of the company, Jean-Philippe Combier and Thomas Laurent.

Jean-Philippe Combier

J-P Combier: we identified little RNA fragments, named microRNAs, controlling most of the biological processes by regulating negatively the expression of numerous target genes. They are present in plants and animals, to whom they are involved in numerous pathologies. MicroRNAs arise of transcribed primary sectors, which are molecules of bigger RNA produced by transcription of the DNA. Transcribed primary sectors of microRNAs were considered for a long time as not coding RNAs, but they encode for small regulating peptides – miPEP - produced naturally and specific for every microRNA. MiPEPs activate the transcription of their associated microRNA. Treatments of plants with miPEPs allow to increase the quantity of microRNAs produced. The interest of this technology is to bring to the foreground the new class of natural molecules that presents a potential for an integrated and sustainable farm management, with the ambition to propose an alternative choice to the chemical and pesticidal inputs.

Thomas Laurent MicroPEP Techno

T. Laurent: starting from this scientific base and technological possibilities, a reflection was led for the registration and the exploitation of a patent, which concerns any use of miPEPS in agronomy. In 2015 the question of the way of valuation of this great potential technology became important; the strategic advice of Toulouse Tech Transfer was to push towards the creation of a company to focus all the valuation on a unique structure in this sector.