The New Frontiers 2018 Call for Projects is launched!

The TULIP New Frontiers Call for proposals opens on January 24, 2018, as every two years since 2012. It aims to support projects beyond the boundaries of our themes, especially those combining infra- and supra-individual approaches (central theme of TULIP), possibly taking some risks and not yet corresponding to projects mature enough to be deposited at the ANR or similar programs.

This call, already opened in 2012, 2014 and 2016, allowed to support 12 projects after selection made by our International Scientific Board (ISB). It should promote the emergence of innovative and high quality (scientific and / or technological) projects.
A budget of approximately 350 k € will be dedicated to this call for projects and usable for all expenses: functionning (including small equipment with a unit value lower than 4k € HT), subcontracting, missions, conferences, personal), only equipment (investment) is not included. Only  2 to 5 projects maximum will be selected to achieve a good level of funding per project. Their duration may be one or two years maximum.
The ranking of the projects will be carried out by the ISB at the TULIP International Meeting on 14-15 May.


  • opening of the call: January 24, 2018
  • deadline for submission: March 30, 2018 at 12 p.m (by email at
  • ISB evaluation: end of May 2018
  • meeting of TULIP Executive committee for decision: June 2018

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further clarification.

See also

Download the project submission form:

Modification date: 07 June 2023 | Publication date: 24 January 2018 | By: TULIP Communication