Focus on the laureates of the "Side Project" call

Since the launch of the GS TULIP Side Project AAP, this call for proposals has funded 8 winners who have received a grant of up to €5,000 to set up and carry out a scientific project independently during their thesis.

Side Project Allocation Call objectives : Allow PhD students from the two Doctoral Schools affiliated with TULIP-GS and based in one of the 6 TULIP Laboratories to fund a small autonomous "Side Project". The estimated amount of work required to complete the proposed project should correspond, at maximum, to the equivalent of 3 months of work full-time, although the project can span a longer period if performed part time.

The call will reopen in 2024, don't hesitate to apply when it's launched !

Laureates 23-24

Pascaline Salvado, PhD student at LGDP : Using methods to analyze the RNAseq Data with qRT-PCR and LC-MS 

Lucas Jarry, PhD student at LGDP : Study of the genomic localization of Plant Mobile Domain proteins MAIN and MAIL1 in response to DNA damage

Margarita Granada, PhD student at LIPME : Characterizing the effect of ecological interactions among selected beta-rhizobia on their fitness






(Pascaline, Lucas, Margarita)

Laureates 22-23

Markus Bittlingmaier, PhD student at : How do different types of mycorrhizae affect root traits and root decomposition ?

Héloïse Demont, PhD student at : Is a functional allele of AtAGO1 required for R. solanacearum to hijack Arabidopsis RNAi machinery as a virulence strategy ?






(Markus, Héloïse)

Laureates 21-22

Arthur QuyManh Maes, PhD student at LRSV and LIPME : Since the onset of next Generation Sequencing methods, RNAseq enbling the production of transcriptomes of thousands of species generated billions of reads. 

Philippe Douchet, PhD student at IHPE : Mechanism of caste differentiation in a social trematode