Ash, lilac, privet, jasmine, olive... the unique reproductive system of the Oleaceae deciphered !

To avoid inbreeding, plants in the Oleaceae family use an unusual genetic system that defines two unique compatibility groups. Its genomic and molecular bases have just been identified by two CNRS teams (including CRBE) associated with the universities of Toulouse and Lille. Published jointly in the journal Current Biology on April 15, 2024, their studies pave the way for a better understanding of the evolution of plant reproductive strategies, and should enable better control of olive tree pollination.

This article is a share of the INEE CNRS publication :

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See also

A hemizygous supergene controls homomorphic and heteromorphic self-incompatibility systems in Oleaceae - Raimondeau, P., Ksouda, S., Marande, W., Fuchs, A., Gryta, H., Théron, A., Puyoou, A., Dupin, J., Cheptou, P., Vautrin, S., Valière, S., Manzi, S., Baâli-Cherif, D., Chave, J., Christin, P., & Besnard, G. (2024b). . Current Biology, publié le 15 avril 2024. -

The homomorphic self-incompatibility system in Oleaceae is controlled by a hemizygous genomic region expressing a gibberellin pathway gene. - Castric, V., Batista, R. A., Carré, A., Mousavi, S., Mazoyer, C., Godé, C., Gallina, S., Ponitzki, C., Théron, A., Bellec, A., Marande, W., Santoni, S., Mariotti, R., Rubini, A., Legrand, S., Billiard, S., Vekemans, X., Vernet, P., & Saumitou‐Laprade, P. (2024b). Current Biology, publié le 15 avril 2024. -

Pierre Saumitou-Laprade - Evolution, Ecologie et Paléontologie (EVO-ECO-PALEO – CNRS/Univ. de Lille)
Guillaume Besnard - Centre de Recherche sur la biodiversité et l’Environnement (CRBE – CNRS/IRD/Univ. Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier/Toulouse INP) -
 Jessie Cuvilier - Evolution, Ecologie et Paléontologie (EVO-ECO-PALEO – CNRS/Univ. de Lille) -
 Laure Vayssettes - Correspondante communication - Centre de Recherche sur la biodiversité et l’Environnement (CRBE – CNRS/IRD/Univ. Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier/Toulouse INP) -