Digital ecology: building the projects of tomorrow

26 June 2019

Abbaye école de Sorèze - Grand Site d'Occitanie

TerrOïko and Setec were laureates of the Ferec Foundation call for projects (Colas, Vinci, EIFFAGE, SNCF Réseau, IREX, IDDRIM and MTES). Their project? Demonstrate the opportunities offered by the 3D digital model for the environmental management of transport infrastructure and capitalize on this preliminary work to organize a national workshop on digital ecology. This seminar will be used to present this demo to stakeholders in the sector, collect their vision of the digital transition of their businesses and continue this process further. The event, supported by the ferec foundation, labex Tulip and Biovallée Lauragais, is led by a committee composed of: AFB, ONERA, CIRAD, MNHN, CDC Biodiversity, AFIE, DREAL and Occitanie region.

Objective: Build the projects of tomorrow!

This working seminar is organized with the aim of leading to 4 teams of collaborative projects which, during two-day workshops, will have been used to:Present the state of the art in digital ecology, regulatory expectations and operators

  • Identify innovation projects and their level of maturity (challenges, technological barriers, levers of innovation)
  • Group partners around 4 innovation projects (project teams) and support them in their construction (definition of their leader, major stages of the project, likely form of the innovation partnership and mobilizing financing windows)
  • Take a step back on the contributions of BIM for biodiversity and its likely implications for environmental professions

The objective is to obtain projects at different levels of maturity and to constitute an ambitious project of structuring of the sector. It is also a question of shortening the time of construction of the teams by putting them in direct link with the organizations able to accompany them financially and technically in their step.

Target audience

Actors in the environment specialized in the issues associated with biodiversity: Design offices, nature protection associations, research laboratories (CNRS, CIRAD, etc.), services and state offices (MTES, AFB, DREAL , etc.), professional federations of ecological engineering.
Digital actors: Companies and laboratories of targeted technologies: airborne (drones, etc.) and satellite imagery, Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality,
Actors in spatial planning and management: State services and offices (MTES, AFB, DREAL, etc.), private developers (Eiffage, Vinci, SNCF Réseau, etc.), public developers (local authorities, departments , etc.), managers of natural areas (National Parks, Regional Nature Parks, etc.), professional federations (engineering, transport, building)
Actors in the support and financing of digital innovation and biodiversity: Clusters and Competitiveness Cluster (Digital 113, water division, etc.), Institutional Research and Corporate Finance (Ademe, BPI, AFB, (FRB, ANR, etc.) .

OïkoLab 2019 website >>>

